Mackinac Bridge joint replacement work begins Sept. 6

The Mackinac Bridge Authority (MBA) will invest nearly $5 million this fall to replace joints on the north viaduct span, with work scheduled to begin Wednesday, Sept. 6.
The project includes replacing 11 relief joints and three sliding-plate expansion joints, which are connections in the bridge deck that allow for expansion and contraction due to temperature changes, as well as movement from traffic. The north viaduct span is an elevated part of the bridge located over the north causeway, immediately north of the truss spans of the bridge.
This work will require closing one lane of traffic in each direction in two phases (both inside lanes closed, and both outside lanes closed) with one lane open in each direction at all times.
Weekend traffic peaks between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., often resulting in traffic backups, even with all toll lanes open. Drivers should consider crossing at off-peak times or prepare for delays.
Currently, the contractor for the project, Anlaan Corp. of Grand Haven, plans to have the work completed and all lanes open by Nov. 8, weather permitting.
Wide-load restrictions will be in place in both directions for any vehicles wider than 10 feet during construction. Wider loads will be allowed to cross once per day between 7 and 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday.